Wednesday, 5 October 2016

I Don’t Feel Like It: What to Do When You Lack the Motivation to Exercise

    It happens to all of us – you wake up tired and struggle to gain the energy needed for the day. You finally make it home and are exhausted and just want to lie on the couch and catch up on missed shows. Days like this, the last thing you feel like doing is working out.     Not wanting to exercise is a common feeling to have every now and then. Sometimes that feeling can last a day, a week, a month, or even a year! Regardless of when or how long you feel this lack of desire to get to the gym, it is important to do whatever you can to change your mindset to avoid derailing your fitness goals. Your mind will always give up before your body does. So here are some steps to keep pushing forward with your fitness goals.
1) Evaluate. The first time you experience the feeling of not wanting to exercise, take a step back and ask yourself why you have that feeling. Is it because you are mentally or physically tired? If that is the case, it’s okay to take ONE day off. One day away from the gym won’t get you off track from your goals as long as you keep your healthy eating in check. Maybe you had a tough day at work and the spirit of laziness has come over you.
Lazy people want much but get little, but those who work hard will prosper. (Proverbs 13:4 NLT)
The best way to combat laziness is to get up and do something! Burning endorphins is a sure way to lift your mood and spirit.
2) Make It A Quick Workout. Not having enough time is often an excuse people make for not being motivated to exercise. If you’re one of those people, I have the perfect solution. One of the fastest and most effective workouts I’ve done and put my clients through is aTABATA routine. Tabata workouts only last four minutes and will leave your muscles screaming for help. The basis of the routine is to work hard at one exercise for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds and repeat eight times. Here’s a Tabata workout I want you to try this week:
  • Push-ups
  • Stationary Lunges
  • Sit-ups
Start with push-ups. Go hard for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds. Continue until you have done eight rounds of push-ups. Then rest for a minute before starting the same cycle with the stationary lunges. Complete eight rounds of stationary lunges, rest one minute before starting the sit-ups. Keep track of how many reps you complete on each movement. Feel free to change up the exercises when you’re pressed for time and need a quick burn.
3) Listen To Your Body. There are some days I can’t pinpoint where the lack of motivation is coming from; I just take the day off. You know your body better than anyone else. So it’s okay to tell your coach, trainer, or workout partner that you won’t make it to the gym. However, don’t just lie around and do nothing. Make it a day of active rest. A light stretching routine or an appointment to see your favorite massage therapist is great ways to rest actively. Do things to help rejuvenate your muscles and help your body recover faster.
4) Keep Your Goals In Mind. When you feel like missing a workout, sometimes all it takes is remembering your “why.” Remind yourself why you are committed to living a healthy and fit lifestyle and “who” is going to benefit from you being in shape.
5) Accountability Partner. It’s harder to get motivated for a workout when you’re doing it by yourself. Designate someone in your life to be your workout accountability partner.  You’ll be less likely to skip the gym when someone else is expecting you to show up. Also, a tough workout is easier to get through when done with a group of like-minded people.

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. (Proverbs 27:17)