ASUU Have Once Again Threaten To Go On Strike Due To Federal Government Failure To Fulfill Their Own Part Of The Bargain Signed By The Two Parties Some Years Ago. The Are Demanding A Whopping Sum Of N284bn For The Payment Of Earned Allowances Only.
The federal government have said to meet 7 out of the 8 demands of the union just the payment of earned allowance is what is holding the agreement to be settled.
According to Chris Ngige, minister of labour and employment
“The other aspect of it is the earned allowance. The earned allowance is the only one that has not been sorted out for now. Everybody knows and agrees that we are in a recession,”“If we are in a recession and you are asking us to pay you N284 billion, nobody will pay it because the money is not there.” he said
But truly and really do you think it’s reasonable for ASUU to be coming up with such high demand at this time of economic recession? The country is currently going through a terrible down time and to add to the already suffering they want government to look for money where there is non in the federal reserve. Some Universities are making a lot of money to pay their lecturers salaries ithout any hitches. There are other serious problems in the country that needs to be tackled and the education sector is just one out of the many. Look at Power, Agriculture, Manufacturing and even the problem of unemployment needs urgent financial help.
But on the second thought, the federal government are complaining that they dont have this money to pay ASUU but yet House of Rep and the Senate are buying brand new cars worth billions of naira. Corrupt politicians are busy stealing government money meant for the general populace to enrich theirselves. And they are complaining of recession. Who is being unfair here, ASUU or the Federal Government? Share your thoughts with us.ZZ